Justice Organization Sharing Hope United for Action

JOSHUA is a coalition of faith communities in Brown County dedicated to building and deepening relationships within and among faith communities as we empower people to work together on issues of justice and community building. Our goal is to transform and reduce systems of injustice and improve the quality of life for all people in this area. Our slogan is “Transforming communities one person at a time.” Areas of focus include prison reform, housing advocacy, Spiritual Leaders Caucus, environmental concern, supporting alternative sentencing and immigration and refugee resettlement.


Transformational Justice Task Force

Meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm at Westside Moravian Church

Prayer Vigils at Green Bay Correctional Institute

23rd of each month at Noon Twenty-three is the average number of days Wisconsin prisoners spend in solitary confinement because of overcrowding and lack of staffing in our prisons.

Violent Death Prayer Vigils

When there is a gun death or other homicide, the neighborhood where this death occurred is identified and a prayer vigil is scheduled. The date, time and location is announced by religious leaders who participate in the monthly JOSHUA Spiritual Leader Caucus and is posted on the JOSHUA Facebook page or contact your religious leader who is part of the Spiritual Leaders Caucus of JOSHUA.

Housing Task Force

Meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Westside Moravian Church.

Violence Reduction

Collaboration with the newly formed Green Bay Office of Violence Reduction which was formed by the City of Green Bay in the Spring of 2024, to reduce gun and community violence. Operations and Data Officer Andrea Kressin will share the community safety plan, the work of the Violence Interrupters, and evidence-based solutions to reduce violence.

Currently Meeting on an Ad-Hoc Basis

  • Brown County Housing Advocacy Fellowship
  • Environmental Justice Task Force
  • Immigration Task Force