Heifer International: Living Gift Market
The mission of Heifer International is to end hunger and poverty while caring for the Earth. Heifer does this by providing appropriate livestock, training and related services to small-scale farmers and communities worldwide.
The Living Gift Market is a fun and festive event, through which our monetary donations fund Heifer International’s purchase of “living gifts” including goats, alpacas, llamas, pigs and more. Heifer shares these living gifts with communities throughout the 19 countries they serve.
Through the annual Union Church Living Gift Market, we hope to inspire our church family to get involved in bringing the commandment “love your neighbor” to life, year-round.
Our goal each year is to “fill an Ark” which means reaching a total of $5,000+ in Union Church donations.
- Set up and host a market table.
- Assist with market take-down and cleanup.
- Provide financial support by purchasing a gift toward the Ark.