Outreach Ministry coordinates church giving and activities outside the church walls in the community and the larger world. In the words of the UCC denomination, Outreach is the way “we imagine a better world.”
Union members and friends contribute generously to EPH, a multi church housing ministry for homeless families in Green Bay. We were a founding partner of this organization in 1991, which is now the largest provider of transitional housing for families in the area. Union continue to draw home maintenance and other volunteers from the congregation as part of our mission. http://www.ephgb.org/
We sponsor a booth at Pride Alive in July where many church members meet and greet and talk about what a great place Union is. We are Open and Affirming, church speak for welcoming all members of the LGBT community to worship, to work, to learn and play as members of the congregation. https://www.facebook.com/newpridealive
Each fall, the congregation is treated to a Heifer International Living Gifts Fair. Member families delight greeting the visiting animals. For more than 20 years, Union has generously supported the global organization. http://www.heifer.org/
Union members and friends cook for both New Community Shelter and St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter on a regular basis. We also serve the meal at St. John, which has been a springboard for some to increase their involvement with the low barrier, winter time shelter. http://www.stjohnhomelessshelter.org/
The Union Church Blessing Box is an outdoor food pantry located near the Madison Street entrance to the church. The pantry is open 24-7 year-round and serves the local community. There are no eligibility requirements—all are welcome. Read more about the blessing box.
Although our annual Rummage Sale in May might not seem like Outreach, the proceeds of the sale fuel our Outreach efforts throughout the year. And we get a chance to meet the neighbors of the church!
Union collects denominational offerings annually for justice, global charity, and retired clergy and lay workers with low pensions. Congregational response to these needs is another way Union moves forward its agenda of giving and serving social justice.
To join, to suggest new initiatives, to learn more, please contact Achim Seifert, chair of the ministry.