We believe:
- that Christ is the living Lord of the church.
- that creeds are testimonies, not tests of our faith.
- that God's identity is woven with saving love rather than condemning judgment.
- that there is yet more truth and light to break forth from God's holy word.
- that in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity. The unity that we seek requires neither an uncritical acceptance of any point of view, nor rigid formulation of doctrine.
- that the Christian faith is active! It involves head and heart, hands and feet. It is rooted in the love of God, and is lived and shared by making that love the passion and purpose of everything we think, speak and do.
- that the Christian faith is growing and changing! Just as our day is different from what our parents knew, so the Christian faith must adapt and change to meet people where they are and invite them to become what God wants them to be.
- that the Christian faith is thinking! Our center is the love of God in Jesus Christ, but our boundries are not well defined. We come together as a community of faith determined to think through and discuss what being Christian means to each of us, and to all of us. Doctrine does not define us nearly as much as devotion does.
- that the Christian faith is free! God's greatest gift to us is freedom! So we make choices, and we bear the responsibility of those choices.
- that the Christian faith is joyous! God loves us, hopes for us, dreams for us, celebrates with us. Because our God is merciful, gracious, and loving; we strive to embody those same holy characteristics.
- that the Christian faith touches all of life! It is a lifelong journey of spiritual, social, political and vocational dimensions.
- that the Christian faith is a commitment to the community of faith! That commitment is expressed in our Bond of Union - the covenant of our church since 1899: We accept the religion of love and service which Jesus lived and taught, and declare it our purpose to strive to do the will of God, and to make the Christ spirit dominant in our lives and in all human relations
- that the Christian faith is open to all of God's children! God's richness is reflected in the magnificent diversity of creation. In 1999, we adopted the following statement: Union Congregational United Church of Christ is a Christian fellowship where diverse perspectives may live together in the Spirit of Christ, and where all persons are precious children of God without qualification or discrimination because of ability, age, ethnicity, gender, race, or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
- that our family of faith needs you! Join us!