Union Congregational Church was born as the First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay in the old Fort Howard Hospital in January 1836. Early in its life, the First Presbyterian Church became a part of the Winnebago Association of Congregational and Presbyterian Churches. When the Winnebago Association dropped its Presbyterian affiliation, the First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay also changed its affiliation and its name.
We have been Union Congregational Church since 1899. In January of 1964, Union Congregational Church voted to join the majority of Congregational Churches by becoming a part of the United Church of Christ. Gathered twelve years before Wisconsin statehood, this broad-spirited congregation has a strong heritage of social involvements, including:
- being a stop on the Underground Railroad
- sponsoring a neighborhood youth center
- organizing the Astor Neighborhood Association
- bringing Habitat for Humanity to Green Bay
- playing an instrumental part in the founding of the Ecumenical Center at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay
- along with the Salvation Army, beginning a program for temporary housing for families in crisis that includes Union Church’s own Jubilee House and the Ecumenical Partnership for Housing.