What it is:
Justice Organization Sharing Hope United for Action
Union Congregational Church joins with thirteen other churches in the Green Bay area in a faith-based endeavor to act together to bring justice and hope to all people in our community. Although a member of state and national organizations, the local organization of JOSHUA selects the issues in the community that it would like to address. An example of issues that have been addressed by JOSHUA are: Treatment Instead of Prison (TIP,) Green Bay’s homeless community, and Health Care.
JOSHUA is a member of the state organization WISDOM, and the national organization Gamaliel Foundation. The mission of Gamaliel Foundation is to assist local community leaders to create, maintain and expand independent, grassroots, and powerful faith-based community organizations so that ordinary people can impact the political, social, economic, and environmental decisions that affect their lives; to provide these organizations with leadership training programs, consultation, research and analysis on social justice issues; to be a network for mutual learning environments and working coalitions. (Gamaliel is found in the Bible in Acts 5:34.)
How to get involved:
Contact Jeff Gibson if you are interested in becoming involved.