What is the Stewardship Ministry accountable for?
- Provide the leadership needed to obtain the annual pledges* that provide the funds required to continue church operations
- Work closely with the Treasurer each year as Union’s operating budget is prepared in the fall and voted on in January.
- Insure that the annual budget pledge drive is organized and completed
- Maintenance of church property. (Shared with Pastor and Buildings & Maintenance Supervisor)
- Support Garden Committee/”Weeders”
- Support Congregation Work Days Team
- Support Green Team
- Lead Capital Projects execution and fund raising when our facilities need major repairs or improvements.
Committees that are part of Stewardship:
- Capital Maintenance Projects Team: Jeff Carels, Leader.
- Generosity Team: Bruce Shafer, Jeff Gibson, John Shier, Larry Rose
* The annual pledge drive that provides funds for Union’s operating expenses has often been referred to as the EMC, which is an acronym for Every Member Canvass. A.K.A. Generosity Campaign.